Artistry inspired by the literary genre of Magical Realism and the Pacific Northwest.
Miriam is a former many things. State government and nonprofit director, birth doula, dance instructor, stay at home mom, house rehabber. Yet, like all things cellular, she was born to evolve. She has recently chosen to fully embrace our species’ birthright— the creative impulse. A self-proclaimed magical pragmatist, Miriam’s place in artistry is in the redefinition of reality. In her work, she posits that magic is real and reality is an illusion. The evidence is all around us.
Miriam currently resides in Eastern Oregon where she is honored to be nearing the end of her childrearing era. She was awarded 2024 Best Photography in The Big: Art Center East’s Annual Open Exhibit. She hopes to exhibit her most recent body of work entitled “A Study of Dragons” in a PNW gallery.
“The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes.”
— Adyashanti